According to some people, coffee is a disgusting blend of bitter beans but to others, like myself, coffee is comfort. And comfort is a warm feeling of familiarity to us all because it is consistent. Although I don't consider myself a full-blown coffee slut, I do enjoy a good brew when the mood strikes. One late night I set out to find a tasty cup of coffee for a little pick-me-up and found myself at the Starbucks on 41st and Louise Ave.
Being in the holiday spirit, I ordered a "tall" (a "small" in my mind but otherwise known as a 12oz.) seasonal Peppermint Mocha. I thanks the baristas and walked out. Immediately after the first sip I was disappointed. My coffee had the temperature of a cup brewed by a frozen Eskimo who would be thankful to have any minuscule amount of heat in a drink. It was lukewarm at best. I gulped it down as fast as possible to prevent it from icing over like a pond in December.
I returned the next day at 10am to again test drive the same drink. The shop was quite busier compared to the previous night and was filled with bleary-eyed business folk. Trial two was warmer, but not by much. I was once again served a tepid drink.
Sad to say, but this Starbucks is a letdown in both price and quality. A painful total of $3.48 was sacrificed for each attempt that produced a cold drink, and because it was cold, a thick drink, and because it was thick, a gritty drink.
I recently took a road trip and needed a warm cup of caffeine to keep me awake. And the crappy cup of automatic Cenex-style cappuccino I paid for one dollar and some odd cents was a much better deal.
Needless to say, I will not be returning for a comfy cup of coffee to the fancy money-sucking corporation know as Starbucks. Cenex here I come.
Starbucks is evil, LOL. Good post!