Greetings! I hope this entry finds all who read it are well. It has become apparent to me that my last entry has been far far too long ago. Almost a year to be more specific! Yikes. Well here I am with a new take on the traditional entries. This is a copy of a letter I sent to corporate. I would appreciate any feedback about this experience but most importantly, enjoy!
As a visitor in town for business, tonight I choose the familiar Old Chicago. In my hometown we love OC where we dine about 6 times a month. Therefore, I had walked in with high expectations but was disheartened when I left.
I was not greeted at the front door by the welcome staff but nevertheless helped myself to the bar area. My appetizer was timely and tasted fresh and delicious. However, when I ordered my entree for carryout I was let down. I had a craving for the steak and mushroom sandwhich which is not longer carried. My bartender did go check though to see if it was possible it could be made with was a gesture I appreciated. Instead I chose the shrimp. I asked for veggies. I had assumed it would be the steamed veggies like in the picture but when I arrived home I discovered raw veggies. I believe the bartender should have asked and clarified with me before hand. I did not know a side of raw veggies existed. I also did not receive the tartar sauce I specifically asked for. Finally, I was automatically given and charged for the full portion without my knowledge until I was back in my hotel room overlooking my receipt. As I walked out, the same two welcome hosts as when I arrived were involved in their conversation with eachother and I was left without a single "goodbye," "thank you," or any acknowledgment whatsoever. I can see how it would be difficult to say goodbye to every single person but I was looking for a stitch of reassurement that I had still made a good decision choosing the Old Chicago of Eden Prairie.
The presentation of my carryout food was excellent. The shrimp were attractive, piping hot and scrispy even at my hotel and the veggies were sorted and laid with care.
Perhaps my requests were accidentally lost in translation. Perhaps the bartender is new. Perhaps I expected too much. Perhaps I am too quick of a judge.
I will be returning shortly to my hometown where I will appreciate the Sioux Falls, SD store even more! They are an excellent team and take care of their guests in an extraordinary way!
I will continue to dine at Old Chicago's even though I found only rust inside the alluring luster of the Eden Prairie OC.